Introduction to Testing Java Software with JUnit

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Gesloten (handmatig toevoegen gebruikers, WooCommerce)
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Getting Java Software to work is one thing, but how can we make sure that it keeps working?

This is where software testing comes in. We will tackle the importance of testing in a Software Development ecosystem and how to write unit-tests with Java and JUnit.

Offer methods. We offer this course as a 3-day training program or via self-paced learning.

Before you start. You should know enough of Java to create and understand small Java Programs. You will also need knowledge of Git and Maven to understand this course completely.

We will tackle in detail:

  • Software Testing
    • What is the Role and importance of testing in the Software Development Life Cycle
    • Important testing terminologies like: Test cases, test scenario’s BVA, etc.
    • Levels of testing and their importance like: Unit, integration, system and acceptance
    • Pro’s and cons to automatic and manual testing
    • What is Test-Driven Development
    • What is Behaviour-Driven Development and how does this impact testing
  • Testing with Java
    • Setting Up JUnit with Maven
    • Package structure of a JUnit testing API
    • Writing, modifying and running Unit tests using annotations and assertions
    • Introducing writing tests with AssertThat and Hamcrest
    • Running Unit tests in IntelliJ and getting coverage statistics

During this course, we will ask you to download code bases, on which we will write tests. Always try and understand these code bases, before trying out the exercises. Some might look familiar, but others might be structured with a foreign looking architecture. To learn more about this, you can take our courses on Advanced Patterns and Architecture.